
David doing one-handed push-ups with his concentration face on.

Concentration. Determination. Grit.

While you’ll normally see me smiling in class, there comes a time when all of us must give more than we knew we had.

On the last few reps of a strength exercise… for the final moments of an endurance exercise… that’s when we have to dig DEEP and make those seconds count!

It’s those precious seconds that determine whether we grow or stay the same.

I hope you’ll join me for 95% smiles and 5% grit at BOOT CAMP IN 4 DAYS!

Boot Camp in the Park is a FREE, all-levels fitness class held in Cal Anderson Park on 5/27, 6/3, 6/10, & 6/17. No RSVP required; just drop in. See you there!

Ready to Train?

Schedule your session today!

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